You are now able to cash out your funds via bank transfers on Connect. After selecting the bank transfer option, you will be presented with a link to link your bank account through the Stripe onboarding process. To learn more about Stripe, click here.
Note: Bank transfers are currently in BETA and will be enabled for participants in segments over the course of the coming days. If not currently available, please check at a later time.
Onboarding Process
You will then go through a few screens where you will need to verify your information, as well as enter your bank information.
Please note that as your earnings increase, Stripe may be required legally to request for more information. Connect does not collect or store this information and is only required by Stripe (as the payment processor) to ensure financial security.
Completing Your Bank Transfer
You can then choose to transfer up to your full balance once per day. Once the transfer is complete, the funds will be removed from your Connect account and are on the way to your bank!
Please note that it will take up to 1-2 business days to see your funds in your bank account.
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