CloudResearch Connect allows select researchers to include variable completions in their projects. This means that, for some projects, you will be redirected back to Connect at different timepoints compared to other participants. There are three main scenarios where that might happen:
- Following different paths in the study—some studies have variable lengths (for example, if you answer “yes” to question 1, you might receive an extra 10 questions). The variable completion options in this case will allow researchers to pay different amounts depending on what path participants take in the study. All paths will receive payment, adjusted for length.
- Not meeting criteria for the study—select researchers will be able to include questions to determine participants’ eligibility for the study (for example, whether participants have purchased particular products). Participants who are not eligible for the full study will be screened out, but they will receive partial payment for their time spent in the study. This will allow researchers to screen participants based on more complex criteria than the demographic questions allow. Further, unlike the demographic questions, where the main incentive for filling them out is to qualify for studies, these paid screeners enable participants to be compensated for their time.
- Failing (an) attention check(s)—rather than complete the full study only to be rejected and not paid, this option will allow select researchers to automatically reject participants who fail attention checks. Participants routed out for failed attention checks will not receive payment.
Q: Why is CloudResearch Connect allowing screeners? What was wrong with filling out the About You section?
A: The About You section continues to exist and is used for the majority of studies. However, in some cases, it doesn’t meet the needs of requesters. This may be because they want to screen on questions that are very specific or time sensitive, or because they want to include multiple screening questions, or because the format of their screening question wasn’t compatible with the About You section.
Q: How does this new feature benefit participants?
A: There are many benefits to participants. First, some requesters need to have screeners or variable length options in place in order to run their studies. By enabling this feature, we are able to increase the number of projects on the site, leading to more available projects for you! Second, the new feature enables participants to be compensated for answering screening questions, leading to higher earnings for you. Third, the ability to terminate participants for quality mid-survey saves you time, as you no longer need to complete the full project only to discover you were rejected at a later time.
Q: How will I know if a study has variable completions?
A: There will be a blue icon next to the study that signals that the study includes this feature.
If you do complete a study with this feature, you will see the project in your project history area with the half circle icon.
Q: I didn’t receive fair compensation for the part of the project that I completed. What should I do?
A: According to our terms of service, researchers must pay a minimum of $6 per hour for any part of the project (unless participants are termed for data quality reasons). If you received a payment that is lower than that, please reach out to the researcher first, as there may have been technical issues or a misestimation on their part. In the event that you cannot resolve the issue directly, please reach out to customer service.
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